
My approach to releasing music via digital streaming or physical cd begins with the tracking/recording session. From vocals, drums and guitar to any style or genre of instrument you may require. This also includes my library of virtual instruments accessible through a midi keyboard. The scope and range of instruments available via the midi platform are extensive.

Live instrument recording begins with a well tuned instrument in a well treated room. Mic placement and proximity are the most important and can be the presiding factor in the track. Where the vocals or instrument are located and how they interact with the microphone plays a vital role in giving clear, warm and refined audio takes. I often record artists vocals at my home recording room with sound panels. I also have access to many sound proof recording studios in the Northern Rivers. These can be organised on request by the artist.

I use Audient preamps for the clearest sounding takes along with my choice of Shure, AKG and Aston microphones. There is a saying in music production “get it right at the source”. Which translates to musicians and producers alike that the recording session is where the journey begins and time and preperation must be done to get the best takes in the time allowed to move forward to the mixing stage.

Enjoy your music journey and studio tracking sessions each one is a positive learning experience.